A very good-looking Toshiba from 1981 with 3-way speakers.

Toshiba RT-S893

The RT-S893 was a midsized boombox from the year 1981. I believe it was intended to replace the RT-8980SM, which was introduced one year earlier. Both models have 6 speakers, including 16cm woofers, 5cm mids, and 4cm tweeters. Power output is 2x5 watts at 10% distortion. They require nine D-cell batteries.

It's very easy to take apart - you simply remove the front case. But be careful. Unlike most boomboxes, the speakers are not fastened to the front. They remain inside. So if you aren't careful, you could poke the speakers with the long screw posts on the front case.




Created by Reli. Last Modification: Wednesday 01 of May, 2024 23:04:27 GMT by Reli.
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